How to Test Internet Speed on Linux

Step 1: Python can be installed on your machine by executing the command that is provided in the following section.

[root@dinisoft]# dnf install python2 -y

Step 2: Using the command that is given below, download the file called

[root@dinisoft]# wget -O speedtest-cli

Step 3: To make the script file executable, use the command that is listed below.

[root@dinisoft]# chmod +x speedtest-cli

Step 4: You are now able to test the speed of your system's internet connection by using the speedtest-cli command.

[root@dinisoft]# python2 speedtest-cli

Step 5: Execute the following command to determine how fast your internet connection is in bytes.

[root@dinisoft]# python2 speedtest-cli --bytes



[root@dinisoft]# rpm -qa | grep speedtest | xargs -I {} sudo yum -y remove {}

[root@dinisoft]# curl -s | sudo bash

[root@dinisoft]# sudo yum install speedtest

Now Type

[root@dinisoft]# speedtest

  • Internet Speed, Linux, Cloudlinux, Terminal
  • 0 Benutzer fanden dies hilfreich
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